Company premises

Together we develop nature around your business in a sustainable way.

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Site survey

We inspect the site for present species and evaluate the suitability of the habitat. Desk research on species is conducted by using provincial and regional species distribution data.

Nature opportunity map

The results of the survey are used to draw up a nature opportunities map, which shows the opportunities for nature and suitable management to create nature with a greater diversity of species.

Management vision & plan

We make a proposal with measures for the outdoor area to create a suitable habitat for the desired plants and animals. We make a plan for the design and maintenance of the outdoor space.

Company grounds

We believe that on every outdoor terrain, be it big or small, there will be opportunities for nature. We map out these opportunities and draw up a policy for sustainable management of these areas.

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Services company premises

Site survey

Site Survey

Site inspection of existing flora and fauna species.

Business park nature opportunities map

Business Park Nature Opportunities Map

Unlock the potential to enhance biodiversity in your business park and demonstrate your commitment to a sustainable future.

orangetip service maintenance plan

Biodiversity Maintenance Plan

Safeguard and elevate the value of your business park and improve the quality of your direct surroundings.

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OrangeTip Irene Hesseling


Irene Hesseling

Projectleader Nature Development


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